Sasha Kassai, PsyD.
Sasha Kassai, Psy.D.
Dr. Sasha Kassai, PsyD, is a psychologist licensed to practice in California, specializing in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and both behavioral and substance addictions. She also has expertise in helping individuals struggling with perfectionism, body image issues, emotion-regulation difficulties, relationship problems, and poor interpersonal skills. Dr. Kassai uses an integrative approach to therapy—a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness strategies, as well as psychodynamic and humanistic interventions.
Dr. Kassai understands the courage it takes to seek therapy, to allow yourself to be vulnerable, and to choose hope in spite of the pain. And she is committed to supporting you in the journey to healing, by taking a holistic approach to assisting you in finding solutions to everyday problems, healing from unresolved traumas, and finding a deeper sense of purpose and connection. She uses a humanistic, creative, sensitive, and individually tailored approach in order to draw upon your strengths, explore your uniqueness, and help you reach your potential. Dr. Kassai strives to help you become your Best Self–“Perfectly, Imperfect.”
Arde Anoshivani, MD
Addiction Specialist
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About Harbor Psychiatry & Mental Health
We believe outstanding healthcare is delivered when we merge the science of medicine with the compassion of our hearts. We refer to this as “head and heart together,” inspiring constant improvement and lasting success.
Psychiatrists Orange County CA
Psychologists Orange County CA
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Address: 4631 Teller, Suite 100
Newport Beach CA 92660
Phone: (949) 887-7187