Social Anxiety and Depression

Social Anxiety and Depression

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), social anxiety disorder (SAD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) are prevalent disorders that exhibit a high rate of co-occurrence. Furthermore, these disorders have been shown to be associated with each...
Normal Aging versus Dementia

Normal Aging versus Dementia

According to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, if you are experiencing difficulties with memory, know that they may not be signs of dementia. It could be memory loss as a part of normal aging. What is aging? Aging is a natural process of our lives. As we age, we...
Light Therapy – Treatment for Depression

Light Therapy – Treatment for Depression

According to Julie Corliss at Harvard Medical School, the transition from fall to winter means grayer skies, shorter days, and for some people, the return of seasonal affective disorder. With the apropos acronym of SAD, this disorder has symptoms similar to depression...